Reka Walkup | Web Developer

I build websites
that bring customers.

My Portfolio

Unplugged Retreat Website
April 2021

This three-page website was created from a Photoshop comp using HTML and CSS. Each of the three pages was designed and coded to fit mobile, tablet, and desktop screens. The Google map was inserted using an iframe and all images and icons were made responsive to fit multiple screen sizes.

View this responsive webpage:

Jubilee Austen Website
Feb. 2021

This was a class project built from scratch using HTML and CSS with a Photoshop design comp as a guide. The one-page website incorporated the use of numerous icons, images, and backgrounds of various sizes and types. After completing this web development project, I made it live on the internet using the web host, Dreamhost, and FileZilla

View this responsive webpage:

Rogue Pickings Website
Feb. 2021

This is a one-page website that I completed as a class project. I used HTML and CSS to build this webpage from scratch using a Photoshop design comp as a guide. Media queries were used to make this site responsive for optimal user experience on mobile devices, tablets, and desktop screens.

View this responsive webpage:

Recipe Card Website
March 2021

This HTML and CSS-heavy class project was quite challenging and enjoyable! It required multiple columns with different box-sizings and horizontal and vertical alignment. It was built from scratch and took lots of patience, persistence, and perseverance. In the end, I was left with a feeling of accomplishment!

View this static desktop webpage:


check mark

During web-development and upon completion, each webpage is validated using HTML and CSS validators to check functionality.

picture of a desktop screen and a mobile phone screen

The webpages are also viewed on multiple screen sizes and browsers to make sure that all content displays as expected.

outline of people

These steps help ensure that webpages are accessible to a multitude of potential customers across the globe.

About Me

Image of Reka Walkup

Hi! I'm Reka. It's nice to meet you.

I'm a freelance web developer who builds websites to help small businesses and entrepreneurs expand their customer base and profits. When I'm not coding websites, this Navy veteran and former educator can be found listening to music, reading, or outside enjoying nature.

Can't wait to work with you!